Overpopulation, resulting in
- deforestation resulting in drought
- extinction of wild animals and plants
- depletion of natural resources
- lack of food and clean drinking water
- poverty, famine and hardship
- conflicts, wars and terrorism
- a threat to the basis of human existence.
Pollution, causing
- waste world-wide and ocean-wide
- toxins in nature and pollution of fresh water
- emission of CO2 from fossil fuels
- diseases due to air pollution from fossil fuels a.o.
- climate changes and more extreme weather
- global warming and rising sea levels
- holes in the ozone layer caused by CFC/HFC gases.
We are near the tipping point, the point of no return!
If the Earth is to survive as a green habitable planet, population growth and pollution of the air, water and soil must cease.
This would be an intelligent evolution.
